Meet the Robinsons 

Meet the Robinsons focuses on the life of Louis, a twelve year old boy who lives with his roommate, Goob in an orphanage. Louis, a bright and talented boy, who is eager for a family of his own. After several failures of being adopted, Louis gets an idea from his "mother" (orphanage caretaker) that perhaps his biological mother left him because at the time she could not care for him, giving Louis the idea that she would want him back now that he was older. Meanwhile, a school science fair is coming up at Louis’s school giving Louis the greatest idea for a project. Louis intends to make a device that can trigger your memory to any moment of your life and project it on a screen for all to watch. Louis had greater planes for this invention though. To Louis, this invention was the key to finding his biological mother. On the day of the Science fair, after working all night to perfect his invention and keeping his roommate up, Louise gets a visit form someone form the future, who (Goob, Louis's old roommate) goes back in time to mess up Louis's future in order to get back at him for keeping him up all night in order to finish his science fair project the following day. Goob was so tired the next day at his baseball game, he slept through the game and missed the ball. After Goods "failure" Good was unable to move forward form this and interned it ruined his whole life. Goob was bitter and cynical, and never fully ready to move on. The day of the science fair when Louis's intention did not work, Louis got a surprise visit form his future son who comes to Louis in need of his help. As Goob’s actions, of coming back to the past and messing up Louis's invention has a great affect on the future. Louis takes his own adventure to the future with his son. On their way to the future, Louis makes a pact with his son (which he does not realize until the end) that Louis will help Wilber (his son) if and only of he promises to take him back in time to when his mother left him on the door step of the orphanage and try to persuade her not to. In the end, Wilber lives up to his deal and takes Louis to see his mother, though to Wilber’s surprise, Louis hesitates and in the end decides not to prevent his mother fro leaving him. Louis later explains to his son that in his future as he saw, he already had a family, what he wanted all along and he would not trade anything for that in the world. Because of Louis's actions, he will never finding out ho his mother was and that Never meet her, speak to her, or know if she was in his presence. Louis being able to walk away form a secret that has troubled him for his whole life shows that sometimes secrets are better left unknown. 

National Treasure

    Nicolas Cage plays Gates, a determined son who's ambitions is to unlock our countries past. Gates travels all over the world in order to find lost treasure and reveal our countries secrets. On his journey Gates comes across different objects and papers that bring him one step closer to the truth. Each clue he finds needs to be decoded in order for Gates to find the next clue. On Gates journey many doubt his abilities along with his idea of a secret treasure,. Regardless of all of the negative feed back Gates receives he continues his journey and find the lost treasure. Along with finding gold and silver,  Gates finds scrolls and parchment that fill in the black of history. National Treasure is a thrilling movie as Gates tries hard to brake the codes and unravels history.

A Beautiful Mind

    John Nash is a mathematical genius, able to crack codes and read formulas with ease. In the beginning of the film, he lives at Princeton University, only coming out of his room when absolutely necessary. He wants to create an original idea, one that no one has thought of and one that will make him famous. His idea comes to him in one of the rare social scenes in this movie. He's in a bar with some friends, and they're trying to talk to these women that are also there. There is one woman in particular that they all want to talk to, however, Nash sees this as a losing situation. This is when his idea kicks in. "If we all go for the blonde and block each other, not a single one of us is going to get her. So then we go for her friends, but they will all give us the cold shoulder because no on likes to be second choice. But what if none of us goes for the blonde? We won't get in each other's way and we won't insult the other girls. It's the only way to win." His idea is a success and he is sought after as a code breaker in the Pentagon. His work continues and he has to risk everything he loves and belives in to go after a secret that might not even really exist. This movies dramatic twist demonstrates just how powreful secrecy is in film and even stories in general.


Cinderella is a classic tale of a girl living and working for her step mother. Always treated poorly by her two step sisters and step mother, Cinderella is faced with a harsh life. Doing all the chores, tending to her step sisters and step mother and cleaning the house, Cinderella had a far from typical living style form the average girl. One day, to Cinderella's surprise a letter from the castle arrived asking all girls to attend a ball in hopes of fining the price a wife. Cinderella chooses to step outside the walls of her step mothers home, eager to attend the ball. In order to prevent Cinderella from going to the ball, her step mother presents her with a long chores list that she needs to attended to in order to attend the ball that night. Although Cinderella manages to finish her chores, her step sisters rip her dress to shreds as they realize that her dress was made up of material that was once theirs. After Cinderella's dress is torn apart, Cinderella's step sisters along with their mother go off the the castle to attend the ball. Cinderella, upset and sad runs out of the house and is approached by a her fairy godmother that presents her in an elegant ball gown, shoes and all in order to attend the ball. Though there is one catch, The magic that made the beautiful dress, shoes, carriage and all will all despite at midnight. Cinderella goes to the ball, appearing as a rich beautiful girl, hiding her true identity under her sparkling gown. Cinderella's appearance misleading the prince that she was an affluent girl, and the prince instantly falls for her. When the clock strikes twelve, Cinderella is reminded that soon she will be waring her old rages and swiftly leaves to the princes dismay. Cinderella runs out of the castle and back home as she does not want the price to realize the truth, that she was a step daughter, a made and poor. By Cinderella keeping her identity a secret, she is misleading the prince to think that she was from a prominent family and an eligible bachloret. Cinderella lies to the prince by not telling him the truth. Although Cinderella neglects to show the prince her true, he is able to look beyond her lies and fall in love with the girl she truly is. 


Evelyn Salt, played by Angelina Joline, depicts a CIA agent accused of being a Russian spy. She is outed by a Russian man himself, who we later see may be the man who trained her. She denies these claims, but we quickly see that there is something fishy going on. She blames it on her missing husband and a wild chase ensues, with Salt eventually escaping. Our suspicion that she is a Russian spy is confirmed when she kills the Russian president at the US Vice President's funeral. She is taken into custody, but manages to escape yet again. With the mission completed, her intentions are unclear. She goes back to the Russian base camp, where the man who outed her back at the CIA turns out to be the brains behind the operation. We are left wondering who we can trust and who is an actual spy. Salt quickly appears to be a double agent and we are left guessing what everyone's intentions are until the very end. The secret identities and motivations of these characters keep the movie lively and interesting, making us want to know more. We didn't want to give the ending away, so let's just say it's a BIG secret.

She's The Man 

In the movie She's the Man, Viola, a high school student, gets upset when her high school soccer team gets cut because not enough girls try out. Soccer is Viola's true love and passion in life and she asks to go out for the boys team along with the other girl soccer players. They are immediately turned down by the boy's soccer team coach, who believes that boys are in fact better than girls. Viola, a determined and motivated girl is ready to prove him wrong. When Viola finds out that her brother Sebastion is leaving for two weeks and going to London to chase his musical passion, Viola sees an opportunity to impersonate her bother at his school and make it on to the boys soccer team. She is determined to win the first game of the season, which is against her old hight school. Viola - originally thinking it would be easy - faces many struggles along the way. Along with trying to act like a guy, she realizes that boys soccer is much more physical and draining. Viola is unable to make first string, which consists of the people who actually play the game. Viola works hard to make first string before their first game with help and guidance from her roommate and captain of the soccer team. In the end, Viola's brother comes home earlier then planned and ruins Viola's plan by kissing the girl Duke likes when Duke thinks that it is Viola (pretending to be Sebastian). Viola unveils her secret - that she is in fact a girl - in hopes that Duke will realize that it was not her who betrayed him, but her brother who did not know better. In the end, Duke lets her play the game as the girl she is. Duke seeing that Viola is a vital player to the team allows her to play, though is not fast to forgive her. Viola, although with good intentions, lied to everyone at her new high school in order to do something she loved. In the end Duke is able to see Viola's actions as honorable and understands her true love for the game. 

Spiderman/ Superman  

These two well-known superheroes are always on the look out for any bad guys. As they fight crime with their super powers, they are always wearing a mask or suite of some sort in hopes to hide their identity form the public. In Spiderman, Spiderman or Peter Parker falls in love with his next-door neighbor. As their relationship begin to blossom, Peter is apprehensive about sharing his true identity with her. We find Peter in a web of lies as he tried to hid the truth form his one true love. With Superman, similar events occur and he is also faced with the challenge of keeping a part of his life a secret from those he love. All superheroes face a time when they have to choose whether or not to share their true identity. They face the problems of continually telling lies to their friends and family when they ask where they are. It is a constant struggle having to keep half your life, half your identity a secret. In both Spiderman and Superman we see as they deal with holding on to relationships along with their big secret of being a superhero.  

James Bond

James Bond is the classic spy. The movies, based on the best selling books of Ian Fleming, are widely responsible for the glamorous image of spies that exists in our modern minds. There have been many remakes, but they all stay true to the original concept. James Bond is clever, handsome, and, quite simply, awesome. He always beats the bad guy and gets the girl. His job requires that he live a secret life in order to carry out top secret missions for the U.S. government. His mysterious lifestyle, combined with his cool attitude, have attracted many to espionage. It makes mystery very cool, and even desirable. These movies, along with many other spy movies, have attracted people to espionage and are even speculated to be contributors to the huge amount of recruits in the CIA. While this image may initially attract people to becoming spies, the truth is much less glamorous. Real life "spies" mostly sit behind desks and rarely do field work. The field work that is done is less dangerous and the spies don't have as much control. Bond is often depicted as in complete control of his emotions, this logic enables him to always make the right decisions. No one can, in reality, be James Bond.

Mr. & Mrs. Smith

Mr. & Mrs. Smith tells the story of two assassins who marry each other without knowing that the other person is a spy. In the beginning of the movie, the couples' marriage is rocky. They don't communicate with each other well and feel as if they no longer know the other person. When Jane's is assigned her husband as a target, they both get a large dose of reality. Each had thought that they were keeping a huge secret from their spouse. They now realized that they were also being kept from their spouse's secret. To be on both ends of this deception is mind boggling for them. They had been so caught up in their own secrets that they never even thought about their partner's. Of course, we now see why they felt like they no longer knew each other. The couple attempt to kill each other, but now with the secrets gone, their lost love is rekindled and they find that they cannot assassinate each other. They then come together to have a relationship that is better than it had ever been, because they were no longer lying to each other and each could be truly honest with their spouse.


House M.D.

Gregory House, M.D., is a misanthropic medical genius who heads a team of diagnosticians at the Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital in New Jersey. House is always being put to test with the most exotic cases. He is known for his astounding ability to solve the most convoluted cases. House's amazing mind and obnoxious personality makes the show different and interesting. House has a very interesting philosophy. He is very good at reading people and takes enjoyment in unlocking mysteries  and the secrets his patients keep from him. His lack of emotional attachment towards his patients and friends makes his view on medicine very different from others. House is not afraid to say things as they are. He approaches every situation logically and does not believe or trust many people - including his patients. Not only does House unlock the mysteries of his patient’s illness but of his patient’s life. With a shirt saying, "Everybody Lies" and believing that no one is to trust, House is a sensation. 

Hannah Montana 

Hannah Montana is a popular Disney television show. It takes place in California and is about a girl who lives a double life. By day, Miley is Miley Stewart, a normal school girl, but by night she is Hannah Montana, a teenage pop star. Though living this double life is not all that easy and Miley often has trouble finding a balance in her life between being a normal teenager and a pop sensation. Although Miley is often put into difficult situations were her secret of being a pop star, is in jeopardy, Miley often is able to fins her way with a little help from her family and friends. Miley is often able to hide her true identity behind a blond wig. Though, along the way, Miley has a hard time keeping this secret from her close friends and tells only her two best friends her big secret. By having this secret Miley is able to live a normal life but enjoy the perks of being famous. By creating Hannah, Miley was able to mask her true identity and not always be in the spotlight but stay hidden with the comfort of her true identity as Miley. Although Miley is constantly struggling to keep her secret, through varying events, she finally feels it is time to share her secret with the rest of the world. 

  • Meet‑the‑robinsons‑logo‑1.jpg. Photograph. MAXALBUMS.COM. 2007. Web. 27 Apr. 2011. <>.
  • Cinderella Disney Princess. Photograph.Http:// Comp. Disney. © Disney. Web. 27 Apr. 2011. <>.
  • A+Beautiful+Mind.jpg. Photograph. The Broderick Boyd University. Broderick Boyd, 2011. Web. 27 Apr. 2011. <>.
  •  She's The Man Poster - Amanda Bynes -. Photograph. Empire Movies. To Infinity and Beyond. Web. 27 Apr. 2011. <>.
  • National Treasure: Book Of Secrets Poster. Photograph. Flickscribe. Web. 27 Apr. 2011.
  • "A Beautiful Mind." Famous Quotes | Over 2 Million Famous Quotes & Quotations | Movie Quotes | Inspirational Quotes & Sayings - Friendship & Life Quotes - | Proverbs! Web. 03 May 2011.
  • Superman_and_spider‑man. Photograph. BradsPictures. Web. <>.
  • Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus Concert Wallpaper. Photograph. Flickr. Copyright © 2011 Yahoo! Inc. Web. 14 May 2011. <>.
  • House‑Everybody‑Lies. Photograph. Blog-Duckar. Simron Limited. Web. 14 May 2011.
  • "Movie Poster Round-Up: Salt." Film Junk Blog and Podcast. Cadreon: Audience Network, 2006 - 2011. Web. 15 May 2011. <>.
  • "James Bond Party Theme." Theme Party Ideas, Themed Parties, Office Party Ideas. Web. 15 May 2011. <>.
  • "Jackass Critics - Mr. & Mrs. Smith." Jackass Critics - DVD and Film Reviews. Web. 15 May 2011. <>.