
As they say in fashion, ”One day your in, the next day your out!” If you want to know how to stay current in fashion, you need to be ready for the new trends and keep up with all the fashion overseas. Seeing as how the fashion trends on a monthly basis, we decided that we should see how these fashion trends are created, and how they are kept a secret. In order to get these answer, we went got the inside scoop from our very own Karen Connolly, Gerber software saleswomen and former Ralph Lauren fashion manager. We also wanted to take a look that the commercial side of fashion, so we talked to Diane Mattioli, a writer and advertiser for Vogue magazine. These two noted ladies were able to tell us all of the secrets in which top magazines and designers stay current and fashionable. There is one very big secret and important fact when it comes to fashion, it all originates from Europe and Asia. Most of the hottest styles originate from Asia, known for their cool, eclectic style, and Europe, known for their sleek, chic look. Designers from all over the world take trips to Asia and Europe to get inspired. It is quite often that simple objects seen in the flee markets tend to inspire a designer the most, and that designers actually have more success with street venders to find their inspiration rather then a fashion show. These materials, objects, patterns found in the flee markets become the basis for the designers whole line. This inspiration is then seen in some form throughout their entire collection. When designers thirst for inspiration, new ideas and a breakthrough in fashion, all they need is a ticket to Asia or Europe, walk the busy streets of the city, visit flee markets, and diverge themselves into the culture so unlike our own. Only then can they truly come up with the next fashion forward line. 

Making It Their Own...

Emma Watson posing for Vogue magazine 2010
    In order for a designer to makes these vintage items found in flea markets of their own, they tend to put a modern twist on it to make it new, chic and fashion forward. Another way that designers put a twist on their clothing lines is playing with different fabrics that represent their inspiration, yet also can easily change the ambiance of an article of clothing. It is very often that designers will use many different materials, textures and fabrics to portray a common theme. The best place to snatch up the newest fabrics is the well known fabric show that occurs in France twice a year. This show, that happens in Paris, is not only about the designers but about the fabric venders. It gives fabric venders the opportunity to show their creativity and abilities, along with doing some business for themselves. It is also common for designers to go to this fabric vender in search for their new inspiration. Sometimes a whole line is base off the inspiration of one fabric. The way a fabric falls or drapes can completely portray a different message as it comes down the runway. Harder material, like leather or denim will give the look a more rugged feel. Fabric chosen by the designers can be just as difficult as finding inspiration. It can take years to find just the perfect fabric. 
    To help designers plan their lines, adding their own style and modern flare, there are trend forecast along with color forecasting to get designers thinking on the right track. These can make sure that the company stays in style for the remainder of that season. Though one of the most shocking secrets about fashion of all is that most high fashion designs are really a knock- off of another brand. People are constantly stealing one anothers designs, anything to keep them in with the latest and greatest fashions.
    When we asked about how new fashion trends were kept a secret, well, lets just say all designs are left under lock and key along with any rough drafts

Karen Connolly, Gerber software saleswomen, former Ralph Lauren fashion manager, 
Diane Mattioli, advertiser for Vogue magazine.